What is Wind Energy - Nature's Generator

What is Wind Energy

Discover why there is a rising trend of homeowners turning to wind energy, explore its advantages and drawbacks, and learn about integrating wind and solar power.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), there has been a growing number of homeowners in the country using energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower in recent years. Such an increase in popularity can be attributed to the declining costs of renewable energy technologies, increased awareness of environmental issues, government policies and incentives that encourage the use of renewable energy. 

While solar energy dominates the residential market, wind power is also gaining traction as an attractive option for homeowners who seek to diversify their energy sources and reduce their reliance on the local grid. In this article, we’ll dive into the depth of wind energy – how it works, its advantages and disadvantages. We’ll also take a look at how you can use wind with solar power for your home.

What is wind energy, and how does it work?

To explain simply, wind power is converting wind into useful forms of energy, typically electricity. It basically capitalizes on the kinetic energy produced by the natural movement of air. 

Wind energy begins with wind turbines, which feature large blades that are usually mounted on tall towers. As the wind blows, it causes the blades to rotate, driving a generator to produce electricity. 

In residential settings, wind energy typically works through the installation of small-scale wind turbines, which are also called residential or home wind turbines. These turbines are usually installed on rooftops or open spaces in the homeowner’s property. As the turbines are pushed by the wind, the kinetic energy is then converted into electricity by the generator, which is then used to power appliances and devices or stored in batteries for later use.

In some cases, home wind turbines are directly connected to the local grid. When the turbine generates more electricity than the home requires, the excess power can be fed back into the grid (which can actually earn the homeowner credits or payments through net metering).

What are the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy?

As one of the country’s top energy sources, wind energy is remarkably a great alternative to fossil fuels, which are rapidly depleting. Wind is generated by the sun’s uneven heating of the Earth’s surface, combined with the planet’s rotation. Therefore, as long as the sun shines and the Earth spins, wind will continue to exist, making wind power an inexhaustible and sustainable power source.

Besides being a limitless power source, there are a couple more advantages of wind energy for households, such as:

Environmentally Friendly 
Unlike traditional sources for power generation, wind power does not produce greenhouse gas emissions or air pollutants during operation, contributing to cleaner air and reduced carbon emissions.

Energy Security 
By utilizing sustainable power sources like solar power and wind energy, homeowners reduce their dependence on local utility providers and volatile energy markets.

Although there are initial investment costs associated with purchasing and installing wind turbines for households, the long-term operating costs are relatively low. Once installed, wind turbines have minimal ongoing expenses, providing homeowners with cost savings over the lifespan of the system.

Grid Independence 
For homeowners in rural or remote areas where access to the electrical grid may be limited or unreliable, residential wind turbines offer a reliable off-grid electricity solution. Especially in locations with open landscapes and consistent wind patterns, these areas have access to ample wind that allows them to generate electricity without relying on external power sources.

Another advantage of wind energy is that it can be scalable to meet varying energy demands. Wind power can be used for small-scale residential installations or larger community or commercial projects. Especially for off-grid wind power systems, multiple turbines can be installed to increase their capacity and accommodate growing needs over time. 

There are also a few drawbacks to wind energy that are important to consider. One of the main challenges would be the intermittency and variability of wind power. Wind speeds can be unpredictable, which can lead to fluctuations in energy generation that may not always align with demand. Also, there have been concerns about the visual impact of wind turbines on landscapes and wildlife habitats. However, technological advancements have helped mitigate these concerns.
How much does a residential wind turbine cost?

The cost of investing in a small wind turbine for a home varies widely depending on several factors, like size and capacity of the wind turbine, installation, permitting and regulation costs, and site-specific considerations. However, to give an idea, the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) estimates that a residential wind turbine can cost from $3,000-$5,000 per kilowatt of power capacity.

Take note that homes that use wind energy as their main source of electricity would require a wind power capacity of 5 up to 15 kilowatts, which means that an investment in wind energy can run anywhere from $15,000 to $75,000. (These numbers can be reduced when state or federal incentives are factored in).

Nature’s Generator Powerhouse Gold WE System - Nature's Generator
Solar Power and Wind Energy Systems for Homes

Harnessing the power of both solar and wind energy offers homeowners a comprehensive and reliable solution for sustainable electricity generation. By combining solar panels, solar generators, and wind turbines, homeowners can maximize their renewable energy production.

One of the primary advantages of integrating solar power and wind energy is the ability to balance energy production and address intermittency concerns. While solar power is most abundant during daylight hours, wind energy production can vary throughout the day and night.

By combining these two complementary clean energy sources, homeowners can achieve a more consistent and reliable electricity supply. For example, solar panels can generate electricity during the day when the sun is shining, while wind turbines can continue to produce power during periods of cloudy days or at night.

Nature’s Generator WE Systems, such as the Powerhouse Gold WE System offer a perfect combination of renewable energy sources that can power even an off-grid or mobile home. This home backup power can single-handedly address your household’s power requirements by harnessing solar and wind power. What’s better is that Nature’s Generator systems are designed to be expandable, which means you can bring more power to make fit what you need.

If you have questions about building a solar and wind energy system for your home, you can reach out to our support team, who will happily assist you.



* We want to give credit where credit is due. Professional writer, Ishna Sablaya, contributed research and content to this blog titled: What is Wind Energy Thank you, Ishna Sablaya, for your contributions!